Register Today Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Number of People on Mortgage *OneTwoTitle *MrMrsOtherName *FirstLastEmail *This is the email address that we will communicate with you even if it is a joint accountPhone contact *This is the number we will call you if we have any issues with your applicationOccupation *Date of Birth *Second PersonName (Second Person) *FirstLastEmail (Second person) *Occupation (Second person) *Date of Birth (Second person) *How did you hear about us *Property DetailsThis is the address that your mortgage is secured onAddress *Address Line 1Address Line 2CityState / Province / RegionPostal CodeLoan DetailsTotal amount borrowed *Total amount borrowed including top ups, etc.The YEAR the loan was drawn down *The term of the loan in years *The original lender *The current loan owner if differentIf your loan has been sold or transferred to another firm, please input that firm's name hereThe account number per latest correspondence *Please take this reference number from recent correspondenceWas this your primary family residence at the time loan was drawn down? *YesNoWe are only processing claims on family homeloans and for individuals with up to two Buy to Lets. Please complete separate form for each propertyIf Interest Only, did the bank enquire as to how you would pay off the capital at the end of term?YesNoWas this loan? *Interest OnlyCapital and Interest (C&I)Interest Only reverting to C&IWhat was the interest rate at inception?Please chose from ECB tracker, Standard Variable or Fixed rate. If ECB please state the margin, e.g ECB +1.25%What was the purpose of the loan? *Purchase homeRefinance existing home loanRefinance existing home loan and consolidate debtsRefinance existing home loan, consolidate debts and release equityDid you self-certify your income?YesNoUnsureYou self-certified your income if you did not supply evidence of income or supplied data that did not support the amount advancedWhat was the main borrower's income typeSelf employedEmployedUnemployedWhat is the current status of your home loan? *Up to date, no issuesIn ArrearsIn a Legal processWhy do you think your mortgage was mis-sold or the Interest Rate is Unfair? *A mis-sold mortgage might be (1) an Interest Only with no capital plan, (2) Payments passed your retirement date and/or (3) you did not supply evidence of your income sich as signed accounts or P60.Have you received notification that you defaulted on this loan at any point since draw down?YesNoUnsureHave you been threatened with legal proceedings?YesNoUnsureIs there a possession order on the property?YesNoUnsureTell us what your current issue is?Are you being charged excessive interest rates, being dragged through the courts, constantly harassed to pay more or had part of your mortgage parked into the future?Have you complained to the Financial Ombudsman in the past? *YesNoIf your answer is Yes, please provide the FSPO's reference number for previous complaints in the "Please let us know..." box belowPlease let us know here what you want out of this process and how did you hear about usPlease use this section to tell us what's on your mind but please bear in mind we only look at the sale of the mortgage. This is when we believe the wrong occurred.Captcha * = Submit